Selasa, 12 Januari 2010

Step Change desire

Here are 5 practical steps to realize the desire would be a real success.

1. Set in your mind the exact form of the success you desire. not enough just to say, "I want to be successful" make sure what kind of success you want to achieve.

2. Make sure exactly what you will give in return for success you desire. means that you must dare to pay the price for success is like working harder, studied harder, and always enthusiastic about life.

3. Set the time or when you intend to achieve success you desire. I suppose it will achieve success five years to come, namely the date, month, year, according to the time you have set

4. Create a plan that mature to carry out your successful achievement of these, and you should be ready to implement the plan (action).

5. Make your statement in the paper. twice daily, once in the morning and once at night, when you went to bed. while you read, feel and convince yourself that you've got that success
Some of the mental block that must be destroyed with a positive mental.

Mental block is one barrier ourselves to more advanced, Some examples of mental blocks and how to respond with positive thoughts.

+ Mental Block:
I am too old
Beliefs and thoughts pasitif:
Because the old, so I more experience. Age may be old but the spirit of youth.

+ Mental Block:
I was too young
Confidence and positive thinking:
Since I was young, my opportunities and more power

+ Mental Block:
It is impossible for me
Beliefs and thoughts pasitif:
Nothing is impossible, anything is possible. As long as I'm sure, I would be

+ Mental Block:
Accept what the fate of
Beliefs and thoughts pasitif:
Tomorrow should be better than today, I had to struggle and work hard.
"Fate can not be in the fox, but the fate of a person can change by itself"

+ Mental Block:
Life is very cruel
Confidence and positive thinking:
This is only a challenge to my life with a wise face.

+ Mental Block:
This is my best achievement
Confidence and positive thinking:
I can berperestasi better than now.