Kamis, 14 Januari 2010

NADO (NO Action Dream Only)

Self motivation to abolish NADO
American statesman Benjamin Franklin was delivering a speech about the rights of citizens guaranteed by the U.S. constitution. suddenly heard the sarcasm from one of a present,. "Ah words - words you do not mean nothing, where all the happiness that you say on that promise?" Franklin smiled and calmly replied,

"friends, the constitution only guarantees that the people's right to happiness, but about how to get it, you alone have to fight for it."

There is no free success, all must be pursued and cultivated.

desire alone will not change anything, work with what you have before you, if you want to change things for the better, Estee Lauder once said "I think every person can achieve anything if they want to work, work and work," yes, health, happiness, and success we can achieve reinforcements to fight with all my heart. persons belonging to Category lazy, usually just NADO (no action dream only). they continue to dream and dream without the followed-up with real action. they filled his mind with success and happiness, but his reluctance to work.

Therefore if you want to achieve what is your goal, do something. our actions do not necessarily result in significant changes, but without action there would be no significant changes. so, start by doing what must be done, then what might be done, then suddenly you have to do something extraordinary.


Muklis mengatakan...

That is same with "just talk do nothing" or maybe "more talk not to do" he...he...good motivation guy, good luck to you and have a nice day, I waiting you in my home