Senin, 25 Januari 2010

Only Five Minutes

The woman pointed to a boy, "that's my son."

The boy was playing on the glide board.

"That's wonderful" said the man. "That's my son" he pointed to the boys who play swing.

After a while the man looked at his watch and then took her son to come home.

However, his son whimpered "yes 5 more minutes dad?"

The man nodded. Five minutes passed. Then he took her son to come home.

Again, his whining "5 minutes lg ya dad?"

The man nodded again. The woman who sat beside him admiration and praise how patient he was as a father. Men then talked about the older son, was killed while cycling nearby. He never took the time to her son. He will not do it again against the second child.

"Maybe my son thought he was getting additional playing time, but I'm the one who can be extra time to enjoy the time with him and be happy with it.

Life is not a race. Life is a priority. Give 5-minute extra time on our loved ones. Surely we will not regret it forever. What priority do you have today?