Jumat, 08 Januari 2010

I have a little experience can be shared

1. Patience
This is very important. Do not hurry to top career positions. Because effect will be a lot of colleagues who do not like with this aggressive attitude. Slowly give contribution, criticism or suggestions to matters related to our work with ease, rilex but weighted. Do not rush. it's not good, If we entrepreneurship,
planted goodness, keep good relations with all business partners, even though our business partners are just a motorcycle taxi drivers, the introductory us to market.

Always praying.
Yes, every business we must always be accompanied by prayer. Sometimes we have a maximum, we feel we are planning perfekto, sure 110% successful, but, dont know why, we fail. We're not perfect, man, So we need all the help that the name "Divine Power".

2. Sincere
Yes, must be sincere first before doing anything. Because with this we can accept whatever the results of our work, whether good or bad results. Neither will anyone likes or does not like. So, we are mentally ready. ready to succeed and ready to fail!

Effort / Never Give Up! Or do not ever give up.

3. Saving
Many regard this trivial. You can save in the form of money, jewelry, gold or insurance. This is very useful for the protection of our lives beyond our power of intervention. Example of political interference that causes inflation or crises, protection during
us or sick relatives, protection if we want to resign from our company we've saturated dikala become employees and started to become an entrepreneurs.

4. Exercise

Do not ever leave it, Try 30 minutes each day exercising. If still ngak can, try 1 time a week. If this can not, critical. get ready for the disease came 1 by one, from a cold start, then exhaustion, then the flu, body aches, Tipes, uric acid, stress and crazy. Yes, if we do not we go crazy sport! Why? With exercise, you release the tension of life, we are talking, laughing with my teammates, we smooth the flow of blood, sweat out the disease, etc. It must be exhausted after exercise, but fitting out of bed, our bodies are guaranteed fresh.

5. Married

Yup, in addition to getting a true friend where we share, we can also keep the eyes, hearts, minds and then make love to wife / husband you. There are other benefits of making love. that is the most effective stress medicine in the world. karna after we made love, our bodies excrete natural, endorphin substances. Namely, a substance found in anti-depression medication. This substance can be obtained also in milk, after we exercise and sex. The most effective, is sex. So, make haste to get married. Do not just dating and marriage, marry with your partner. Choose a couple of "good" is not perfect.
Hopefully we can get the ultimate peace of life.


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